August 8, 2017 CC Meeting Minutes


August 8th, 2017

7:30 to 9:00 AM, HMEB Room 128

Videoconference to Deal Boardroom


 Attendance: Joseph Fantone, Maureen Novak, John Aris, Jordan Ashcraft, Victoria Bird, Tom Rowe, Peter Sayeski, Zareen Zaidi, Marc Zumberg, Carol Diachun, Jennifer Hipp, Lou Ann Cooper, Wayne Dell, Heather Harrell, Michelle Jacobs-Elliott, Jim Gorske, Gretchen Kuntz, James Lynch, Hannah Norton, Ralph Rice, Beverly Vidaurreta

Guests: Kristy Smith, Eric Black

Recording: Robyn Screws


Called to order by Dr. Novak: 7:30 am


  1. Updates:


Phase 1 (Aris)

  • Aris provided an update from the Phase 1 course directors. First year students have begun classes, second year courses start next week. There are separate receptions being held for each class and faculty were encouraged to attend. The course directors are working on addressing three main topics, plagiarism, the moving from Examsoft to Canvas for exams, and a Step 1 resource page for the students.


  1. CLG and Well Being Curriculum (Harrell)


  • Harrell presented on the need and goals for inclusion of a Well Being Curriculum into the CLG groups. Samples of educational activities included Mindfulness-Based Stress Relief training, nutrition and wellness, and study skills. Using the CLG groups throughout the four years, there would be an increase in CLG meetings during the Clinical years, an increased amount of self-assessments during the CLG check-ins, and increased reflection opportunities.
  • Harrell opened the floor to questions and discussion.
  • Novak asked Dr. Harrell to return in September for more discussion.


  • LCME Progress Report
    • Novak updated the committee on the most recent LCME progress report.


  1. Medical School Graduation Questionnaire
    • Novak presented a summary of the Medical School GQ. The results of the questionnaire were positive overall.


  1. 4th Year QI (Black)
    • Black presented on the 4th year Quality Improvement Experience Project he has been working on. Presented were the goals and objectives of the experience for the students as well as the current focuses. The QI experience is housed in the Geriatrics clerkship currently, though Dr. Black is asking the committee for help in finding not only the best spot, but also to help get new perspectives and new content. Dr. Black feels that there is a need for co-facilitation in order to keep the experience alive. Dr. Novak opened the floor to discussion and questions.


  1. AAMC 2017 GQ Benchmarking Update
    • Fantone presented the GQ Benchmarking Update. Overall, the GQ was very promising and filled with mostly good responses with high satisfaction. Specific areas were mentioned to the committee in which students felt they were less satisfied in. Dr. Novak opened the floor to questions and discussion.


End: 8:56 am




Next Meeting: September 12th, 2017, 7:30-9:00 am

HMEB Rm 128, Dean’s Conference Room with videoconference to Jacksonville Deal Boardroom