August 14th, 2018
7:30 to 9:00 AM, HMEB Room 128
Videoconference to Deal Boardroom
Attendance: Joseph Fantone, John Aris, Gabe Daniels, Nicholas Maldonado, Melanie Hagen, Robert Hatch, Stacy Beal, Paul Gulig, Peter Sayeski, Zareen Zaidi, Marc Zumberg, Carol Diachun, Rana Alissa, Shelley Collins, Lou Ann Cooper, Wayne Dell, Frank Genuardi, Michelle Jacobs-Elliot, Jim Gorske, Gretchen Kuntz, James Lynch, Hannah Norton, Daniel O’Neill, Nina Multak, Matthew Ryan, Beverly Vidaurreta
Recording: Robyn Screws
Dr. Fantone called to order 7:31 am
- Updates
- Fantone introduced the new members of the Curriculum Committee, Dr. Paul Gulig, Dr. Stacy Beal, Dr. Nicholas Maldonado, and Dr. Rana Alissa, and had the committee introduce themselves.
- Motion made to approve the June Minutes, motion seconded and approved unanimously.
- Hagen introduced the Professionalism Lapse Form to the committee. Dr. Genuardi mentioned that he is working with Dr. Novak to have a link added to EPIC for ease of finding and use.
- Fantone informed the committee that Dr. Rarey won the Robert J. Glaser Distinguished Teacher Award along with three others across the country.
- Aris updated the committee on the Phase 1. Classroom content will be posted on Ilios this year, all courses will have a weekend quiz, and Course Directors are working on examination changes to include more STEP style questions.
- Hatch updated the committee on Phase 2. Rotations have started and clerkships have received their grade feedback, with how they compared to others.
- Zaidi updated the committee on how EPA inclusion is going. Clerkship Director’s have added EPA rubrics to their summative evaluations and Dr. Wright has included the EPA rubric at the MS2 level.
- Policy Update: Leave of Absence Revision
- Fantone presented the updated Leave of Absence policy. Discussion was held and no vote was taken. The committee would like edits to be made to the document before approving. Suggested edits include separating personal and medical leave policies and to include appropriate documentation for return after six weeks.
- New Elective for Approval: Telemedicine
- Fantone presented the proposed Telemedicine Elective. After discussion, the committee decided more information was needed before approval and would like the Course Director to present the course and be available for questions.
- End of Year Surveys (Cooper)
- Cooper presented an updated look at our STEP 1 scores for the current year. Discussion was held regarding questions and concerns of student performance.
- GQ Highlights
- Fantone presented the results from the Graduate Questionnaire completed by the class of 2018. Dr. Fantone pointed out areas that excelled as well as areas for possible concern.
End 9:10 am
Next Meeting: September 11th, 2018, 7:30-9:00 am
HMEB Rm 128, Dean’s Conference Room with videoconference to Jacksonville Borland Library.