August 13, 2019
7:30 to 9:00 AM, HMEB Room 128
Videoconference to Deal Boardroom
Attendance: Maureen Novak, MD (Chair); John Aris, Ph.D.; Robert Hatch, MD; Peter Sayeski Ph.D.; Shelley Collins, MD; Joseph Fantone, MD; Lou Ann Cooper, Ph.D.; Paul Gulig, Ph.D.; Nina Multak, Ph.D., MPAS, PA-C; Carol Diachun, MD,VC-Jax; Gretchen Kuntz MSW, MLIS VC-Jax; Beverly Dede, Ph. D.; Jim Gorske, M.Ed.; Ms. Hannah Norton, B.A. ,MS; Mary Patterson, MD; Saleem Islam, MD; Stacy Beal, MD; Marc Zumberg, MD
Recording: Aisha Miller
Dr. Novak called meeting to order at 7:32 am.
Motion made to approve July minutes, motion seconded, and approved.
- Updates:
- Phase 1 – Aris informed the committee that student’s finish their first week of 1st year and students seems to be adjusting well.
- Phase 2 – Hatch had nothing to report at this time.
- Absences for Health Services. Dede presented changes to update the current Students Absence for Health Services Policy. Motion made to include absences for acute illness, regularly scheduled ongoing treatment of Dental, Mental, and Physical health appointments. Students are to consult with Associate Dean for Medical Education or Student Affairs with any concerns regarding this policy. Motion made, seconded, and approved.
- Introduction of New Member: Novak welcome new member Dr. Saleem Islam to the Curriculum Committee.
- USMLE Step 1 CBSE Proposal: Novak proposed changes to the USMLE Step 1 CBSE course policy. Motion made to the proposal that indicates, after 4 weeks of intentional study all students must take the CBSE again for self-assessment. Student that are identified as being below the class means must retake the CBSE. Students who do not make the benchmark will delay the first clerkship and have a monitored individual study plan that must be approved by the Academic Status Committee. Motion made, seconded, and approved.
- AAMC Opioid Education Challenge Grant Program: Responding to the Training and Development Needs of Academic Health Centers. Faculty members Martha Brown and Lisa Merlo applied for a grant to work on Opioid education from the AAMC. They were awarded a $25,000 grant for Opioid education curricular development.
- Program Evaluation Committee Updates. Cooper provided the committee with a broad overview of data collected from program directors showing a variety of program evaluations and assessments from the 2018 interns and residents.
- Journal Club: Novak encouraged the members to read the articles for faculty development.
- Alliance for Academic Internal Medicine (AAIM) Response to InCUS
- SGIM Education Committee USMLE scoring final statement
Meeting adjourned at 8:53 am.
Next Meeting: September 10, 2019, 7:30-9:00 am HMEB Rm 128, Dean’s Conference Room with videoconference to Jacksonville Deal Boardroom