August 11, 2020
7:30 to 9:00 a.m., HMEB Room 128
Videoconference to Deal Boardroom
Attendance: Heather Harrell, M.D. (Chair); Rana Alissa, M.D.; John Aris, Ph.D.; Stacy Beal, M.D.; Julia Close, M.D.; Shelley Collins, M.D. FAAP; Lou Ann Cooper Ph.D.; James Davis, MS3; Beverly Dede, Ph.D.; Carol Diachun , MD, MSEd; Michelle Elliott-Jacobs , M.D; Joseph Fantone, M.D.; Frank Genuardi, M.D., MPH; Jim Gorske, M.Ed.; Kathy Green, MLIS, SADM-C; Paul Gulig, Ph.D.; Robert Hatch, M.D. MPH; Saleem Islam, M.D. MPH; Colleen Kalynych, Ed.D.; Maria Kelly, M.D.; M.P.H.; Gretchen Kuntz, MSW, MLIS; James Lynch, M.D.; Lynne E Meyer, Ph.D., Steven Munger, Ph.D.; Hannah Norton BA, MS; Maureen Novak, M.D.; Donna Parker, M.D.; Mary Patterson, M.D.; Elisa Sottile, M.D.; Meredith Thompson, M.D.; Marc Zumberg, M.D.;
Recording: Aisha Miller
Dr. Harrell called the meeting to order at 7:32 a.m.
Motion made to approve July minutes, seconded, and approved.
- UFCOM J.E.D.I Task Force discussion: The J.E.D.I task force was formed by medical students to address concerns specifically related to the black student experience at the UF College of Medicine (UFCOM). Dr. Donna Parker the faculty advisor to the J.E.D.I task force provided examples of racial insensitivities, bias, racism, and disparities black students have encountered. The J.E.D.I taskforce articulated specific actions the UFCOM can take to provide more just, equitable, diverse, and inclusive learning environment for black students. Dr. Harrell shared a summary of recommendations that related specifically to the curriculum and most overlap with the ongoing work to integrate Health Systems Science into the curriculum.
- Evaluation Bias Task Force Report: Novak presented a data analysis from the UFCOM Classes of 2019-2021 that showed a differences in grading between black and non-black students. Specifically, black students were less likely to earn an A on clerkships (except psychiatry) than non-black students even when controlling for NBME shelf exam score. The recommendations of the Evaluation Bias Task Force are: qualitative assessment of summative evaluations and the MSPE review, review effects of the analysis on AOA selection, faculty and resident development regarding student assessment and potential bias, review of student assessments in the Phase 1 curriculum, and consider publication and grant funding. After much discussion, Dr. Hatch made a motion to form a small group from the Curriculum Committee to make recommendations on bias training and a program on racism education. The motion was seconded and approved.
- Updates to curriculum overview: Harrell distributed the Medical Education Program Curriculum Overview for 2020-2021, which was updated to include the Health Systems Science goals approved by the Curriculum Committee last year.
- Informational Updates:
- Clerkship Directors Meeting Update: Dr. Kelly gave a summary of the clerkship directors meeting, and noted that the clerkship directors made a commitment to the students to improve the process in regards to bias, diversity, and inclusion. Based on a recent survey, Dr. Kelly noted that 60% of the clerkship directors reported taking bias training. Dr. Kelly also noted that most clerkships included content, or are planning to add topics related to this issue, i.e., changing lecture content, creating more awareness in a clinical setting, and adding small groups. Lastly, Dr. Kelly recognized room for improvement, and are open to any suggestions that will help impact changes to the curriculum or in regards to the summative evaluation.
- Course Directors: Aris will share information from the Curriculum Committee to the Course Directors’ Committee.
- Leesburg/Villages: Fantone was in route to the Villages to discuss the possibility for medical students to train at that site. We will pilot the site with the preceptorship.
- HSS Transition to subcommittee: The Health Systems Science (HSS) initiative will transition to a subcommittee of the Curriculum Committee to further assist with the integration into the curriculum.
Meeting ended at 8:53 a.m.
Next Meeting: September 8, 2020 7:30-9:00 a.m.
HMEB Rm 128, Dean’s Conference Room with Zoom videoconference