April 9, 2019
7:30 to 9:00 AM, HMEB Room 128
Videoconference to Deal Boardroom
Attendance: Maureen Novak, MD (Chair); John Aris, PhD; Nicholas Maldonado, MD; Robert Hatch, MD; Stacy Beal, MD; Paul Gulig, PhD; Peter Sayeski PhD; Zareen Zaidi, MD, PhD; Marc Zumberg, MD; Shelley Collins, MD; Lou Ann Cooper, PhD; Joseph Fantone, MD; Nina Multak, PhD, MPAS, PA-C; Matt Ryan MD, PhD; Beverly Vidaurreta-Dede, PhD; James Davis MS1; Carol Diachun, MD,VC-Jax; Alissa Rana, MD,VC-Jax; Frank Genuardi, MD, VC-Jax; Colleen Kalynych Ed.D, VC-Jax; Gretchen Kuntz MSW, MLIS VC-Jax; Mr. Jim Gorske
Recording: Aisha Miller
Dr. Novak called meeting to order at 7:31 am.
- Updates:
- Motion made to approve March minutes seconded, unanimously approved.
- Phase 1: Dr. Aris announced that second year students are preparing to take the Step 1 exam. First year students were pleased with respiratory exam, and have begun the cardiovascular course. Dr. Hagen will take lead on reviewing exam questions to align with the rigor of Step 1.
- Phase 2 Curriculum: Dr. Hatch informed the committee that the Clerkship Directors’ Retreat will be on April 11, 2019 in Jacksonville. One topic of discussion will be systematic factors in the work place that may contribute to burn-out.
- At Risk Student (ARS) Committee: Dr. Aris informed the committee that the ARS committee has changed the name to “Step 1 Success”. The Step 1 Success Committee is working to create a menu of options for some students to provide additional exposure to materials, assessments, and professionalism. Step 1 Success Committee also discussed the possibility of a pre-matriculation study club. Additionally, the Curriculum Committee discussed the importance of textbooks or other resources for Step 1 study and the appropriate time to implement study skills. Dr. Novak charged the Step 1 Success Committee to review feedback from the Curriculum Committee.
- AAMC Year 2 Questionnaire:
Dr. Fantone provided an overview of the Y2 questionnaires. The committee discussed different topics, which may need further input.
- Curriculum Retreat Focus Groups:
Due to time, Dr. Novak provided an overview of the following area from the Curriculum Retreat, and noted that the committee will discuss more during the May meeting.
- High Yield versus Active Learning
- Longitudinal Educational Relationships
- The Struggling Student
- Faculty Development
- Proposal to move Neurology to 4th year and Geriatrics to 3rd year:
The committee discussed pros and cons of switching the Neurology and Geriatrics clerkships with regards to the limitations of sites and student schedules due to interviews. Motion made to consider moving Neurology to fourth year and integrate Geriatrics into the third year starting with the 2020-21 academic year, discussion tabled. A second motion was made to explore the feasibility of these changes with input from students and national trends. Motion was made, seconded, and unanimously approved.
- New Course Proposal:
- Improving Your Teaching and Patient Care Skills
The objective of the fourth year elective is to prepare medical students for skills needed for residents as teachers, and offer good resources to our first and second year students by receiving peer teaching.
Motion made to approve the new course with the integration of two Bert modules, which was seconded, and approved.
- Journal Club:
Due to time, the two articles were not discussed individually; however, were mentioned within other topics during the meeting. Members were encouraged to read the articles for faculty development.
- Development and Evaluation of a Student-Initiated Test Preparation Program for the USMLE Step 1 Examination –
- One Small Step for Step 1
Meeting adjourned at 9:01 am.
Next Meeting: May 14, 2019, 7:30-9:00 am
HMEB Rm 128, Dean’s Conference Room with videoconference to Jacksonville Deal Boardroom