April 14, 2020
7:30 to 9:00 AM, HMEB Room 128
Videoconference to Deal Boardroom
Attendance: Heather Harrell, M.D. (Chair); Joseph Fantone, M.D.; Maureen Novak, M.D.; Paul Gulig, Ph.D.; Carol Diachun, M.D.,VC-Jax; Jim Gorske, M.Ed.; Stacy Beal, M.D.; Marc Zumberg, M.D.; Maria Kelly, M.D.; Lynne E Meyer, Ph.D., M.P.H.; Robert Hatch, M.D. MPH; Saleem Islam, M.D. MPH; Shelley Collins, M.D. FAAP; Julia Close, M.D.; Nina Multak, Ph.D., MPAS, PA-C, DFAAPA; John Aris, Ph.D.; Frank Genuardi, M.D., MPH; James Lynch , M.D.; Lou Ann Cooper Ph.D.; Hannah Norton BA, MS; Matthew Ryan M.D., Ph.D.; Beverly Dede, Ph.D.; Rana Alissa, M.D.; Peter Sayeski Ph.D.; Gretchen Kuntz, M.D. Carolyn Stalvey M.D.; Michelot Michel, MS1; James Davis, MS2; Daniel O’Neill, MS3; Wayne Dell, MS4;
Dictation: Aisha Miller
Dr. Harrell called meeting to order at 7:31 a.m.
Motion made to approve March minutes, motion seconded, and approved.
- Discussion of S/U option for final clerkships: Harrell discussed students concerns about their clinical make-up and clerkship rotation. The students thought it would be unfair to be graded on this last clerkship. Dr. Harrell proposed the option for any student’s rotations that were affected by the current pandemic to take the S/U instead of a grade. Motion made to allow all students that were affected by the Corona Virus Epidemic to choose a grade or S/U option prior to receiving their shelf exam scores, motion seconded, and approved.
- Patient Safety and Quality Thread: Discussion tabled for next meeting.
- New required course proposals: Harrell explained that suggestions for a sub-internship were made due to some students having their entire clerkship deferred. The OMS department provided syllabi’s for the proposed OMS sub- Internship for both Jacksonville and Gainesville students. Motion made to approve the OMS Sub-Internship for Jacksonville and Gainesville, motion seconded, and approved.
- New elective course proposals: Harrell explained there’s a great need of new electives that didn’t require patient care. We have two groups moving forward that needs to start taking electives May 11 for their rotation 1 of the next year and planning for rotation 2. These courses will be all pass/fail.
- COVID-19 Basics: Dr. Novak proposed this new elective which is a blended course composed of both online activities and in-person meeting with Dr. Novak and other faculty members that includes lot of reading, and small group discussion. Students will meet about six hours a week. Harrell explained that this course will meet the acute needs of the students and that all students will be allowed to enroll in the course. Motion made to include the new proposed COVID-19 Basics elective, motion seconded, and approved.
- Online Clinical Pathology: Beal explained that for the online clinical pathology elective students will look at videos, cases studies, and existing websites that provide great contents. Students will be able to choose specialty topics that their interested in learning. The course will be offered for two weeks with 10 modules and four weeks with students to complete 20 modules. Email vote motion made to approve the Online Clinical Pathology elective, motion seconded, and approved.
- UFL Wisdom in Diagnostic Imaging eLearning Modules: Harrell explained that this proposal is for Radiology. The modules are robust and were developed at UF more for residence than medical students. This is a 4th year elective and will not be appropriate for raising 3rd years. The course is offering 2 rotations and 2 online classes of the traditional elective which is more appropriate for the raising 3rd year. Normally, only 2 raising 3rd year students are allowed to take the course but now it will be expanded to 10 students per block. The elective coming up for approval is strictly a 4th year elective and an alternative elective has been created for the raising 3rd years. Motion made to include the proposed Diagnostic Imaging eLearning Modules elective, motion seconded, and approved.
- Medical Spanish: Novak proposed this new elective Medical Spanish. The product Canopy has a robust suite of lessons and has assessments included. Dr. Novak reviewed the Canopy product and created a two and four credit hour courses. Students interested in this course should have taken some Spanish, students that are fluent in Spanish will benefit greatly from this course. Dr. Novak indicated that she will continue to work on the final details of course. Motion made to include the proposed new Medical Spanish elective, motion seconded, and approved.
- ECG Interpretation: Harrell discussed the new elective ECG Interpretation. Students will receive more clinical related training using Zoom and inactive online lessons, self-study of ECG, and students will give presentations on ECG to their peers. The elective will be a 4 week, 2 credit elective. There are 12 hours of face to face interactions and a lot of practice ECGs estimated to take 3-5 hours a week and a final assessment exam. Email vote motion to approve the proposed ECG Interpretation elective, motion second, and approved.
- From Health Systems to the Bedside: High Value Care 101: Harrell, explained that the students will use Aquifer cases which are free and the AMA has some high value care related modules that students can use for self-study. This is a two week elective with daily activities and several journal clubs throughout the course and students will have to create a project or a proposal on how to improve high value care in institutions. The course enrollment has been made unlimited. Motion made to approve the proposed Health Systems to the bedside: High Value Care 101 elective, motion second, and approved.
- Updates:
- Phase 1: Harrell gave an informational update concerning the 1st year’s preceptorship 1B in May and the date change that will occur. Since students are not able to be involved in direct clinical care there was no way to meet the course objective experience. This preceptorship is important to students because it lets them explore a specialty that may be of interest to them. Plans are now to move the preceptorship to the week of August 10th. Dr. Harrell also mention that this crisis has created a gap in our healthcare system and it has created a new needed skillset and the need for telemedicine courses included in the curriculum.
- Phase 2: Hatch provided a brief update on the clerkship directors. Their meeting weekly, staying cohesive, and handling issues as they arise.
Meeting adjourned at 8:52 a.m.
Next Meeting: May 12, 2020 7:30-9:00 a.m.
HMEB Rm 128, Dean’s Conference Room with videoconference to Jacksonville Deal Boardroom