April 13, 2021
7:30 to 9:00 a.m., via Zoom
Attendance: Heather Harrell (Chair), Rana Alissa, Carol Diachun, Paul Gulig, Rob Hatch, Saleem Islam, Maria Kelly, Steve Munger, Meredith Thompson, Marc Zumberg, Carolyn Carter, Julia Close, Shelley Collins, Lou Ann Cooper, Beverly Dede, James Davis, Jeffery Dela Cruz, Mary Edwards, Joseph Fantone, Frank Genuardi, Jim Gorske, Kathy Green, Jennifer Hamilton, Michelle Jacobs-Elliott, Colleen Kalynych, Lynne Meyer, Hannah Norton, Maureen Novak, Elisa Sottile, Joey Whelihan, Ashleigh Wright
Recording: Renata Dolbier
Dr. Harrell called the meeting to order at 7:30 a.m.
- Harrell open the meeting with the invitation for the committee resume meeting in-person beginning next month. No response was given.
- A motion made to approve the March 9, 2021 minutes, seconded, and approved.
- Policy Revisions:
- Harrell proposed the adoption of Minus grades to the existing policy. Adding minus grades would align with the main UF campus to calculate student GPAs beginning with the Class of 2023. After discussion, a motion to approve the policy as is was made, seconded, and unanimously approved.
- Harrell presented a policy on Grade Distribution. The grade distribution would allow course/clerkship directors to analyze assessments, determine cut-offs for each grade, and ultimately provide consistency across the courses and clerkships. After a robust discussion, a motion was made to approve the policy, seconded, and approved.
- Harrell proposed adding the Clinical Skills Examination (CSE) 3C as a graduation requirement. As the USMLE is no longer offering the Step 2 Clinical Skills examination, the CSE 3C requirement would provide a clinical skills assessment for all students prior to graduation. A motion to approve the policy was made, seconded, and unanimously approved.
- Collins presented a proposal to revise the Policies for Unsatisfactory Performance and/or Unprofessional Behavior regarding automatic probation after two course failures or unsatisfactory grades. The revision will include an automatic academic notice of concern for students receiving two initial failures in a course and/or less than a B- in two clerkships. This intermediate step would provide additional support to students prior to being placed on probation. A motion to approve the policy was made, seconded, and approved.
- Surgery Sub I Proposal:
Islam presented a new sub-internship for cardiovascular surgery. This rigorous course that will separate cardiovascular from thoracic surgery, and allow students to ability to understand what a career in cardiovascular surgery will entail. A motion to approve the policy was made, seconded, and unanimously approved.
- LGBTQ+ Taskforce Update:
Fourth year medical student, Joey Whelihan, presented the findings from the LGBTQ+ taskforce in relation to our curriculum. The taskforce team preformed a needs assessment, developed longitudinal goals, identified types of activities and assessments to achieve learning outcomes, and identified best practices for implementation and resources. He shared the task force recommendations from their findings.
Recommendations include:- Adopt the 17 learning objectives created based off the double AAMC.
- Course and clerkship directors use tools outlined to assess those learning outcomes.
- Assess the objectives at the curricular level to ensure a longitudinal thread.
- Create an LGBTQ+ health thread with a director for oversite and a go to person.
- Safe zone training be integrated to teach using inclusive language, how to advocate, and address implicit bias, 6) Publish a forward-facing website.
- COM examine the definition of underrepresented in medicine and include LGBTQ+
Although no vote was taken, the committee provided support to move forward with the recommendations.
- LCME Updates:
The survey visit for the next LCME will be January 23 – 25, 2023.
- CBSE Data
Cooper presenteddataon the second CBSE. Students who did not achieve a goal of 165 were required to retake the CBSE, in addition to any students who opted to retake. Students who did not scored ≥185 or did not improve on the second taking were provided additional assistance.
Meeting ended at 8:55 a.m.