7:30 to 9:00 a.m. via Zoom
Attendance: Heather Harrell (Chair), Ashleigh Wright, Bob Seifert, Carol Diachun, Elisa Sottile, James Davis, Maria Kelly, Meredith Thompson, Robert Hatch, Saleem Islam, Stacy Beal, Steve Munger, Carolyn Stalvey, Chris Giordano, Dani Brown, Jennifer Hamilton, Jim Gorske, Julia Close, Kathy Green, Maureen Novak, Olivier Barolette, Phuong Huynh, Shelley Collins, Shireen Madani-Sims, Velyn Wu
Recording: Sandi Reveille
Dr. Harrell called the meeting to order at 7:30 a.m.
- A motion was made to approve the Consent Agenda, seconded, and approved.
- Proposals
- Advanced Clinical Practice Selective
Concerns from prior meeting about transitioning from required subinternship to ACP selective were addressed. The guideline developed by the subinternship task force will be the requirements for ACPS and for a course other than existing subinternship to become an ACPS, it must be approved by the curriculum committee.
- New Course – Genetics and Health Course Assistant
This new course is geared toward a 4th year medical student at the beginning of the course and appeals a bit more to those going into a field like pathology; passing grade in BMS 6003; and interest in genetics and mentoring/assisting first-year students with this class, their very first class in medical school.
Motion to approve these courses.
A motion was made to approve the courses, seconded and approved.
- Nominate two new faculty members to begin July 2022
With Dr. Saleem Islam and Dr. Robert Hatch rotating off of the voting members portion of the Curriculum committee, new members were considered:
- Chris Robinson
- Velyn Wu
Thank you to both Dr. Islam and Dr. Hatch for your years of service.
Motion to nominate Dr. Robinson and Dr. Wu as voting members who have participated as non-voting members this past year.
A motion was made to approve the nomination, seconded and approved.
- CPESA Report – Dr. Phuong Huynh
- Clerkship Summary Report
Dr. Huynh presented a Clerkship Review dashboard report. This report would be updated bi-annually – May to October, report would be available around January and November to April, report would be ready around July. Curriculum Committee members were in agreement with this report and will find it helpful. - Clerkship Debriefing Update
3rd year Clerkships were debriefed between February and April – Geriatrics, Surgery, Psychiatry, Internal Medicine, Family Medicine, Pediatrics and OB/GYN. Students put together 15 objectives that related to all clerkships as well as common themes’ strengths and areas for improvement. Some discussion followed.
Discussed trying to debrief Clerkships twice a year. This was original plan but very labor intensive for the students who did not think necessary for every clerkship.
Dr. Harrell will be having monthly meetings with Class Officers (President/Vice President, Debriefing Chairs of each class) to discuss any issues or concerns that may arise.
Dr. Harrell showed the committee the new Phase 2 Canvas page and there are plans to create similar Phase 1 and Phase 3 pages.
- LCME Updates –Dr. Joseph Fantone
The Dean wanted to have an outside consulting firm to assist so 3 different consulting organizations were interview and we selected one that other universities gave a strong endorsement. Mock site visits are set for October 17 and 18, please make yourselves available those dates. Students will be involved from 12pm – 1pm on those dates. Received preliminary reports back from students and also some opportunities for improvement in particular a bit more dissection in terms of issues for specific years and how they aligned with the information we received from the AAMC questionnaire. Responses being sent back to individual task force leaders for review and clarification. Student leaders still coordinating input for ISA from their classes.
Student lounges in hospital being taken care of; parking still an issue. Overall students have done a great job identifying both strengths and opportunities and looking for constructive recommendations that we can follow up on and action plans.
- Information– Dr. Harrell is changing the role of Chair of for Course Director Committee and Chair of Clerkship Director Committee to Phase 1 and Phase 1 Director, and Phase 2 Director, respectively. The Director of 4th year title will change to Phase 3 Director. These titles better reflect the nature of these roles. Will work with Kathy Green to align the titles in all policies.
- Good News and Match Results –
Dr. Collins provided an update of the recent Match results – a very good match, some students didn’t match initially into PGI 1 spot but those who wanted secured through SOAP; 3 students decided to pursue a residency program after they graduate and those students are entering different degree programs or postdoctoral research programs.
- In-Person or ZOOM meetings
Dr. Harrell proposed meetings going forward to be in-person or via ZOOM. Will meet in-person for the June meeting with ZOOM option.
- Remote Votes – Objectives
- Psychiatry 3rd Year Clerkship Goals and Learning Objectives – major revisions were made to their objectives from the one that was voted on some time ago. These revised objectives were compared with milestones published by ADMSEP and there is good alignment. The voting members were emailed this revision on May 16, 2022.
Remote motion to approve these revisions.
Approved without changes (10 approve, 2 didn’t vote) via email.
- Obstetrics and Gynecology Learning Objectives – minor changes to the learning objectives were made. The voting members were emailed these changes on May 16, 2022:
- 13 – (including pelvic sonography, Pap test, endometrial biopsy, wet prep, fetal heart rate monitoring, tocodynamometry, prenatal sonography, STI assays)
- 25 – Establish effective rapport with patients and family
- 26-Write well-organized progress notes for hospitalized and ambulatory patients that are updated as to the status of diagnostic evaluation, the differential diagnosis, management, and long- and short-term goals
- 29 – Apply an evidence-based approach to patient care
- 33 – Integrate into the health care team in order to participate meaningfully in patients’ care, by demonstrating motivation, reliability, and resourcefulness
- 34 – Be an advocate in patients’ care
Remote motion to approve these changes.
Approved without changes (8 approve, 2 didn’t vote, 2 missing) via email.
Action Items:
Open call to Faculty late summer/early fall to bring in new members. Send out article in New England Journal regarding Match.
Meeting ended at 8:31 a.m.