UF Society of Teaching Scholars supports the advancement of the College’s educational mission by making research findings available immediately without charge to readers. When funds are not available from other sources, STS funds can be requested to assist authors with by paying reasonable Article Processing Charges (APCs) assessed by publishers of open access journals, including hybrid open access journals.
The funds may not cover the assessment of page charges, color illustration fees, reprints, etc.
Articles that comply with the Application Guidelines set forth below will be funded on a first-come, first-served basis, subject to the availability of funds.
**Active members may apply every other year.
Funds must be utilized by June of each fiscal year.
No endorsement of any journal or of the research merit of any article is implied by this funding.
Funds are only available to cover publication costs of research articles where funds are not available through grants, departmental funds, discretionary funds, endowments or other sources.
Articles that meet any of the following criteria are NOT eligible for support:
- The research being published was funded by a grant from the U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH) and is subject to the NIH public access mandate;
- The research being published was funded by a grant from another funding source with a public access mandate that was in place at the time the grant was funded.
- The research was conducted while the author received a stipend or salary from a training, career development or similar award from a funding source subject to a public access mandate.
Eligible Authors: Eligibility status is determined as of the date the article is accepted for publication. An STS member who is the first or senior author on an eligible article may apply for funds. The STS member requesting funds must be the corresponding author. STS members who meet funding criteria will be funded up to a maximum of $2000 per article to pay for APCs. It is anticipated that the fund will support 5 members per year (approximately $10,000 in APC). The STS research committee reserves the right to revise eligibility and funding amounts based upon STS member needs and use.
Eligible Publications: To be eligible, the article must be a peer-reviewed scholarship (aligning with the AAMC Scholarship of Education . The article must not have been previously published and must be accepted for publication in an open access or hybrid open access journal that meets the quality criteria set forth below.
STS Recognition: Members receiving APC funding must acknowledge STS funding in the Acknowledgements/Disclosures section of the article, for example, “This work was supported by the University of Florida College of Medicine Society of Teaching Scholars.”
Journal Eligibility: To be eligible, the open access journal must meet at least one of the following quality criteria:
- Documented UFHSC Liaison Librarian Approval
- Journal is listed in the Directory of Open Access Journals (https://www.doaj.org)
- Publisher is a member of the Open Access Scholarly Publisher’s Association (https://www.oaspa.org)
- Journal and publisher’s policies adhere to the quality standards set forth in OASPA’s membership criteria (https://oaspa.org/membership/membership-criteria/)
- For more information on assessing journal quality, see UF’s Guide to Evaluating Journal Quality. We also recommend the resource Think, Check, Submit (https://thinkchecksubmit.org). If you need assistance with evaluating a publication for quality, please contact your departmental liaison librarian.
A hybrid journal in which the article will be published must meet at least one of the following quality criteria:
- Documented UFHSC Liaison Librarian Approval
- Publisher is a member of the Open Access Scholarly Publisher’s Association (https://www.oaspa.org)
- Journal and publisher’s policies adhere to the quality standards set forth in OASPA’s membership criteria (https://oaspa.org/membership/membership-criteria/)