Officers and Committees


Colleen Kalynych, EdD
Assistant Dean For Medical Education
Chair, UF Society of Teaching Scholars

Chair Elect

Margaret Lo, MD
Professor, Associate Residency Program Director, Department of Internal Medicine

Past Chair

Matt Ryan, MD
Associate Professor, Department of Emergency Medicine
Past Chair, UF Society of Teaching Scholars

By Laws Committee


Ryan Nall

Margaret Lo

Colleen Kalynych

Nomination and Selection Committee

This committee is comprised of the Chair, Past Chair and Chair Elect. Responsibilities include soliciting nominations for new Scholars, coordinating the educational portfolio training and review processes, and coordinating the selection of new Scholars. There must be a minimum of 3 members at large.


Carol Diachun – Chair

David Winchester

Elizabeth DeVos

Carma Bylund

Matt Ryan

Margaret Lo

Colleen Kalynych

Faculty Development Committee

Responsibilities include suggestions for topics of interest and speakers to provide workshops for faculty development opportunities.


David Caro – Chair

Wayne Mc Cormack

Eric Rosenberg

Ashleigh Wright

William Driebe

Margaret Lo

Colleen Kaylynch

Awards Committee

This committee is comprised of a minimum of 3 Society members. Committee membership will be staggered 3-year terms with option for renewal. Committee members are not eligible for STS awards. The committee will solicit nominations and coordinate the process to select winners.


Elisa Sottile – Chair

Elisa Zenni

Sonal Tuli

Carolyn Holland

Martina Murphy

Margaret Lo

Colleen Kalynych

Scholarship Committee

This committee is comprised of a minimum of 3 Society members. Committee membership will be staggered 3-year terms with option for renewal. The committee may invite a non-STS member to serve as needed. Responsibilities include review of the stipend proposals to insure they are feasible and enhance the education mission. Prioritized proposals will be recommended to the SADEA for final funding approval.


Chris Giordano – Chair

Elizabeth DeVos

Terri Vasilopoulos

Marc Zumberg

Lauren Solberg

Margaret Lo

Colleen Kalynych

Funding Application Deadlines

August 1st for all Fall conferences

November 1st for all Spring conferences

April 1st for all Summer conferences